Pillow Talk
A Two-Player Strategy Game About Your Relationship
About the ExperiencePillow Talk explores communication, external stresses, and past romances with your current partner. The game takes place on a throw pillow placed between participants. They are to keep a form of physical contact with their partner for the duration of play. Most players will choose to hold each other's hands.
The game is a zone capture strategy game where the two players compete for the most captured area on the pillow. Each player has the option to move or place a new piece on the pillow every turn or to move or put an external blocker on the board which can be a disruptor to the other player. While the play is in progress, the players answer a set of questions about their relationship. Responding to the questions and creating dialogue around them is the only form of verbal communication that can happen until the end of the game. The game will end when there are no more moves possible to players. A winner is decided by a conversation between the two players if no agreement can form within a reasonable time then both players lose. |